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About Uttarakhand Medical Council

Uttarakhand Medical Council is a Statutory Body, established by the law of the State i.e. Uttarakhand Medical Council Act 2002. The formation of the Council is on democratic basis with elected members, few nominated and two ex-officio members.

The first meeting of Uttarakhand Medical Council was held at 107, Chander Nagar, Dehradun under the chairmanship of Dr. I.S. Pal on 30/07/2003. The following members were present in the meeting :

1. Dr. I.S. Pal (D.G, Medical Health & F.W - Ex office Member)
2. Dr. Sunil Saini
3. Dr. R.N.Singh
4. Dr. R.C. Arya
5. Dr. Harish Kohli
6. Dr. Sudha Purohit
7. Dr. Bhim S. Pandhi
8. Dr. Deepak Rastogi
9. Dr. F.C. Fuloria
10. Dr. S.K. Pant
11. Dr. Mahavir Singh

The members unamousily nominated Dr. R.C. Arya as a first President & Dr. Bhim S.Pandi as a first Vice – President of Uttarakhand Medical Council. The Members unamousily nominated Dr. Y.S. Bist as Registrar of Uttarakhand Medical Council till the Govt notify for the post The following Executive Members were nominated :

1. Dr. Sudha Purohit
2. Dr. Mahavir Singh
3. Dr. Sunil Saini
4. Dr. Deepak Rastogi
5. Dr. F.C. Fuloria

The Members decided to frame Rules & Regulations for Uttarakhand Medical Council the meeting was adjured.

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