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Phone No : 0135-2608897 Mobile No : 8077546220


General Instructions For Online Registrations

Any person from outside Uttarakhand who is applying for UKMC Registration should go to the Permanent Registration Option after creating the Login ID.

For any Additional Qualification / Degree Registration after Permanent Registration at UKMC should go to Online Additional Registration Option.

1. Carefully choose the application you want to apply for through online from the homepage and proceed by entering all the details required as part of the application.
2. Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online
3. The name of the candidate or his/ her father/ etc should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates issued from other council or MCI.
4. After submission of application, the system will ask to preview the detail. Please ensure to check the details no request for edit will be allowed after the proceed button is clicked
5. After you click the submit button your LOGIN is created and your login detail will be mailed at your registered email id as mentioned in the application form. In case due to any reason you are not able to make the payment or upload the documents, please login with login details as mailed to you email Id after finishing the signup. After Login the option for Retry Payment and Retry Documents is shown on clicking you are able to finish the process and acknowledgement is generated.
6. After you click the proceed button system will ask you to choose the payment method. You can make the payment online or payment through Bank Draft. If the Payment is through draft then make sure that draft is ready in advance as per Fees Structure. Please make sure that Draft No, Date & Bank must match with the details entered in offline payment. If any discrepancy found in draft no then application may be rejected
7. On successful submission of application, the system will generate a unique Case ID (Case ID) for the application. You should note / remember your system generated Case ID. (Case ID) for future reference and use.
8. After submitted the proceed button the system will ask for upload the documents. Kindly upload the documents as per Documents type. Documents are to be uploaded in particular order no request for wrong upload will be entered later.
9. The system will provide you with options "Acknowledgment" on successful submission of application online.
10. All the Fee paid are NON REFUNDABLE

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